Sunday, 4 December 2011


Dreams... and dreams! Two different concepts, one single word. And I'm struggling to reconcile the two. Dreams we see at night operate at a subliminal level, leaving us no possibility to control them. Dreams we make while awake and fully conscious is what we choose, what we are devoted to and what we consciously chase.
But legend Dylan, admitting being against nature and considering it very unnatural, spotted something: "drams are the only truly natural thing which nature cannot touch with decay". And this is a feature common to both concepts, maybe the strongest for each of them and probably what binds them. Obviously, it's hard to get into Bob Dylan's mind when saying nature is very unnatural but I understand and I believe that nature cannot touch either my night or day dreams. Nature and I operate separately and since both kind of dreams are completely mine, nature has no role in this game. My daydreams..that's what I am here to pursue, will never be touched by anyone or anything, not even nature.

Just spend some minutes to think about it...
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