Tuesday 1 January 2013

An End

Let's call it the end of an era.
Let's hope that the age of the stupid comes to an end and gives way to a new age, that of awareness, of consciousness.

Let's think, let's do, let's move on.

I want to see a world with more happiness and less materialism, more smiles and less hypocrisy, more humanity and less bureaucracy. I hope for a fairer distribution of wealth, greater creativity, more originality. I wish people love more, feel more, share more. I wish people follow their instincts instead of rules. I wish the minority ceases to have control over the majority. I need freedom instead of security. I want change! But most importantly I want myself to be part of the change for change will not happen at all if I just hope for it.

DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World

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