UNKLE - The answer (Trentemoller Remix)
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
The revolution will not be televised, folks
Sascha Funke - Mango Cookies (Dj Koze Pink Moon remix)
sampling Gil-Scott Heron's classic
You'll see it in the streets, on walls, in people, in you...
The time will come that we can no longer remain silent
Humanity will shout out loud... Freedom
Back to where we belong :)
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Sunday, 31 March 2013
Big Government: An unnecessary evil that should be abolished
There are two types of people in this world; those who worship the ideal of centralized command authority, and those who do not. Those who value freedom regardless of risk or pain, and those who value slavery in a desperate bid to avoid risk and pain. When I consider the ultimate folly of man, in the end I look to the meek and unquestioning masses who strive to avoid risk, because it is they who always end up feeding the machines of war, despair, and tyranny. The power thirsty halls of elitism surely instigate and manipulate the tides of this wretched ocean of quivering souls, but ultimately, the weak-hearted and weak minded make all terrible conquests possible.
They live by the rule of fear, and their fear drives them to seek control; control of their environment, control of others, and by extension they believe, control of the future. They attempt to mitigate their overwhelming fear by containing the world and sterilizing it of everything wild, untamed, and unknown. They dream of a society of pure predictability, and zero responsibility. They are willing to sacrifice almost anything to attain this position of artificial comfort.
The concept of “big government” appeals to such people for many reasons…
Government in most cases is nothing but an abstraction. It is merely a tool that serves the interests of a particular group of people at any given time. Modern politics is an expression of the foolish cat fight between factions of people to decide who gets to wield the weapon of government and impose their ideology on the rest of us. At least, that’s what it almost always devolves into. The great illusion of the system, though, is that ANY group of average people ever actually wields any power. The truth is, big governments are always operated by very small and exclusive clubs of root beneficiaries out of the sight of the population.
The smaller this dominant group becomes, the more corrupt and criminal the government generally is. A government reaches a state of despotism whenever its functions are twisted for the sake of an elite few to the detriment of the common man, and when it ignores the natural inborn rights of the individual for the sake of some fabricated collective . If one were to closely examine the birth of every iron-fisted oligarchy throughout history, they would find a cyclical pattern of centralization; the removal of checks and balances, the removal of legitimate public involvement in the political process, a dependent and infantized citizenry, and the rise of a “bureaucratic class” which regards itself as superior and born to lead. All steps taking place within Western societies today.
Unfortunately, the masses tend to view big government as an inevitability of life; as a natural extension of culture. Rarely if ever do they ask what tangible purpose it serves. Are they really getting what they want out of their government? Or, is the government taking what it wants from them?
I have always found the worshipful attitude that some citizens ascribe to government simultaneously fascinating and disturbing, because these people are not bowing down to a wise and benevolent entity. Rather, they are bowing down to their own delusions of what they believe that entity to be. The most dangerous and insidious of governments present themselves as a kind of social vanity mirror. They allow the citizenry to project their collective desires, biases, shortcomings, and fears, and reflect back an image that entices and placates the majority. The lies and manipulations of big government are designed to satiate our basest fantasies, but what we see as a concrete edifice of political and legal might, in the end, is a mirage mired in the fog of our own naïve expectations.
So, the question again arises; if the structure of big government is built upon deceit and misrepresentation, what tangible purpose does it really serve?
The answer is no purpose…at least, no purpose that elevates and enriches the public at large.
Big government is not a “necessary evil”. It is just evil. Like the ring of Sauron, it lures in the weak with promises of power, but this power is a ruse. Each side of our false left/right paradigm, Democrat and Republican, thinks that if only THEY were the bearers of the ring they would “finally use it for good”. But once in their possession, they are overtaken, overwhelmed, and corrupted by personal temptation.
The Democratic Party, with all of its proclamations of humanism and respect for civil liberties, is a perfect example. How quickly did the rank and file Democrats turn away from their anti-war, anti-torture, anti-banker, anti-surveillance, anti-tyranny stance once Barack Obama, a self proclaimed Democrat, was placed in office? Very quickly!
And what about the common Republican? How many of them utterly abandoned their ideals of limited government, reduced spending, Constitutional rights, and Christian understanding as soon as Bush and the Neo-Con regime was installed? Most of them!
And when all is said and done, who has reaped profits and gained dominance during both disastrous administrations? The corporate high priests and international banking cartels, not the oblivious participants of the fake political theater. Yet, a masochistic cycle of misplaced trust in the system on the part of the masses continues…
If these latest signs of big government corruption aren’t enough to make the public question the validity of the establishment, I’m not sure what will…
The Rape Of Cyprus
Even in the face of unmitigated government theft, I still hear the occasional rationalization of the Cyprus debacle. Defenders of the bailout measures (which the EU demanded) allowing the confiscation of private citizen savings to pay off government mismanaged debt, argue two things:
1) The banks that were targeted contained “Russian blood money” and hidden funds, so confiscation really amounted to a “punishment of rich criminals” rather than the Cyprus public.
2) It is “better” that the citizens go along with the confiscation of a percentage of their accounts, rather than lose everything through collapse.
Just to be clear, any sizable Russian funds being stored in Cyprus were removed before the bailout measures were instituted. Therefore, the assertion that such people were “punished” is a lie and a distraction. The Russian scapegoat was merely being promoted by global financiers and political elites in order to con people around the world (not just those in Cyprus) to accept the concept of government theft of private funds as being “moral” under “certain extraneous circumstances”. When a government wants you to set aside your conscience in support of an immoral action that serves their interests, they will almost always conjure a false villain and engineered consequences for you to direct your fear and anger at. Once they can convince you to abandon your own principles to smite an imaginary enemy or avoid a manufactured threat, even if only one time, it will be much easier for them to convince you again a second time.
Large and corrupt governments love to use the magic of the false choice. For instance, “…it is better to sacrifice some of your money and your principles to the establishment than it is to live through total collapse of the nation…” This false choice process, though, never ends. The offending government will demand more property and more freedom from the citizenry everyday while constantly warning that if we do not submit, the alternative will be “far worse”.
The truth is, Cyprus is not the issue. What the disaster in Cyprus reflects, however, concerns us all. It is a moment of precedence; an action which sets the stage for the final destruction of the idea of private property. It dissolves one of the final barriers to total government control. Governments and elitists have always stolen from the public through misspent taxation and rampant inflation, but with Cyprus, we see a renewed feudalistic paradigm. The EU and the banking hierarchy are sending a message to the Western world: You are now their personal emergency fund, and nothing you own is actually yours anymore.
When an institution confiscates property and capital at will from a subdued and frightened populace without consent, they are essentially exploiting the labor of that populace. In any culture or language, this is called “slavery”.
They live by the rule of fear, and their fear drives them to seek control; control of their environment, control of others, and by extension they believe, control of the future. They attempt to mitigate their overwhelming fear by containing the world and sterilizing it of everything wild, untamed, and unknown. They dream of a society of pure predictability, and zero responsibility. They are willing to sacrifice almost anything to attain this position of artificial comfort.
The concept of “big government” appeals to such people for many reasons…
Government in most cases is nothing but an abstraction. It is merely a tool that serves the interests of a particular group of people at any given time. Modern politics is an expression of the foolish cat fight between factions of people to decide who gets to wield the weapon of government and impose their ideology on the rest of us. At least, that’s what it almost always devolves into. The great illusion of the system, though, is that ANY group of average people ever actually wields any power. The truth is, big governments are always operated by very small and exclusive clubs of root beneficiaries out of the sight of the population.
The smaller this dominant group becomes, the more corrupt and criminal the government generally is. A government reaches a state of despotism whenever its functions are twisted for the sake of an elite few to the detriment of the common man, and when it ignores the natural inborn rights of the individual for the sake of some fabricated collective . If one were to closely examine the birth of every iron-fisted oligarchy throughout history, they would find a cyclical pattern of centralization; the removal of checks and balances, the removal of legitimate public involvement in the political process, a dependent and infantized citizenry, and the rise of a “bureaucratic class” which regards itself as superior and born to lead. All steps taking place within Western societies today.
Unfortunately, the masses tend to view big government as an inevitability of life; as a natural extension of culture. Rarely if ever do they ask what tangible purpose it serves. Are they really getting what they want out of their government? Or, is the government taking what it wants from them?
I have always found the worshipful attitude that some citizens ascribe to government simultaneously fascinating and disturbing, because these people are not bowing down to a wise and benevolent entity. Rather, they are bowing down to their own delusions of what they believe that entity to be. The most dangerous and insidious of governments present themselves as a kind of social vanity mirror. They allow the citizenry to project their collective desires, biases, shortcomings, and fears, and reflect back an image that entices and placates the majority. The lies and manipulations of big government are designed to satiate our basest fantasies, but what we see as a concrete edifice of political and legal might, in the end, is a mirage mired in the fog of our own naïve expectations.
So, the question again arises; if the structure of big government is built upon deceit and misrepresentation, what tangible purpose does it really serve?
The answer is no purpose…at least, no purpose that elevates and enriches the public at large.
Big government is not a “necessary evil”. It is just evil. Like the ring of Sauron, it lures in the weak with promises of power, but this power is a ruse. Each side of our false left/right paradigm, Democrat and Republican, thinks that if only THEY were the bearers of the ring they would “finally use it for good”. But once in their possession, they are overtaken, overwhelmed, and corrupted by personal temptation.
The Democratic Party, with all of its proclamations of humanism and respect for civil liberties, is a perfect example. How quickly did the rank and file Democrats turn away from their anti-war, anti-torture, anti-banker, anti-surveillance, anti-tyranny stance once Barack Obama, a self proclaimed Democrat, was placed in office? Very quickly!
And what about the common Republican? How many of them utterly abandoned their ideals of limited government, reduced spending, Constitutional rights, and Christian understanding as soon as Bush and the Neo-Con regime was installed? Most of them!
And when all is said and done, who has reaped profits and gained dominance during both disastrous administrations? The corporate high priests and international banking cartels, not the oblivious participants of the fake political theater. Yet, a masochistic cycle of misplaced trust in the system on the part of the masses continues…
If these latest signs of big government corruption aren’t enough to make the public question the validity of the establishment, I’m not sure what will…
The Rape Of Cyprus
Even in the face of unmitigated government theft, I still hear the occasional rationalization of the Cyprus debacle. Defenders of the bailout measures (which the EU demanded) allowing the confiscation of private citizen savings to pay off government mismanaged debt, argue two things:
1) The banks that were targeted contained “Russian blood money” and hidden funds, so confiscation really amounted to a “punishment of rich criminals” rather than the Cyprus public.
2) It is “better” that the citizens go along with the confiscation of a percentage of their accounts, rather than lose everything through collapse.
Just to be clear, any sizable Russian funds being stored in Cyprus were removed before the bailout measures were instituted. Therefore, the assertion that such people were “punished” is a lie and a distraction. The Russian scapegoat was merely being promoted by global financiers and political elites in order to con people around the world (not just those in Cyprus) to accept the concept of government theft of private funds as being “moral” under “certain extraneous circumstances”. When a government wants you to set aside your conscience in support of an immoral action that serves their interests, they will almost always conjure a false villain and engineered consequences for you to direct your fear and anger at. Once they can convince you to abandon your own principles to smite an imaginary enemy or avoid a manufactured threat, even if only one time, it will be much easier for them to convince you again a second time.
Large and corrupt governments love to use the magic of the false choice. For instance, “…it is better to sacrifice some of your money and your principles to the establishment than it is to live through total collapse of the nation…” This false choice process, though, never ends. The offending government will demand more property and more freedom from the citizenry everyday while constantly warning that if we do not submit, the alternative will be “far worse”.
The truth is, Cyprus is not the issue. What the disaster in Cyprus reflects, however, concerns us all. It is a moment of precedence; an action which sets the stage for the final destruction of the idea of private property. It dissolves one of the final barriers to total government control. Governments and elitists have always stolen from the public through misspent taxation and rampant inflation, but with Cyprus, we see a renewed feudalistic paradigm. The EU and the banking hierarchy are sending a message to the Western world: You are now their personal emergency fund, and nothing you own is actually yours anymore.
When an institution confiscates property and capital at will from a subdued and frightened populace without consent, they are essentially exploiting the labor of that populace. In any culture or language, this is called “slavery”.
Private Corporations Openly Dictating The Law
As most in the Liberty Movement know, the seeds of Fascism germinate in the soil where the corporate world meets the political world. This is one of the primary reasons why we will stop at nothing to eliminate entities like the Federal Reserve; a privately run banking cartel that mingles with government yet answers to no one, including Congress or the people. The Fed has existed since 1913, and has dominated the value and circulation of our currency ever since. However, today, they are taking on new powers…
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As most in the Liberty Movement know, the seeds of Fascism germinate in the soil where the corporate world meets the political world. This is one of the primary reasons why we will stop at nothing to eliminate entities like the Federal Reserve; a privately run banking cartel that mingles with government yet answers to no one, including Congress or the people. The Fed has existed since 1913, and has dominated the value and circulation of our currency ever since. However, today, they are taking on new powers…
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Love & Happiness :: Timeline
Al Green - Love & Happiness (1972)
First Choice - Love & Happiness (1973)
Monty Alexander - Love & Happiness (1974)
Truth - Stay (2010)
Truth - Stay (2010)
House of Jezebel - Love & Happiness (2011)
Lovebirds - Love & Happiness
Love and Happiness : timeless values, the essence
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Trentemoller Live
Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider Go!
Live at Roskilde 2009
Music expresses that which cannot be said in words
but cannot remain silent
brings out beasts and angels
fables and fairytales
unfolds the mind
brings us closer
takes us one step further
discover new dimenions
the unknown
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Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Have you seen the moon tonight?
Here I stand
I can see it bright and big
paper moon they say
as if everything should be tangible
but it is not
it belongs to the skies
It keeps shouting tonight
that spring is coming
summer is not too far
it brings back memories
moments lived, things left undone
thoughts left inside
feelings buried deep
It wakes up instincts
It reminds us that everything we ever need is freely out there
but only few can see
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I can see it bright and big
paper moon they say
as if everything should be tangible
but it is not
it belongs to the skies
It keeps shouting tonight
that spring is coming
summer is not too far
it brings back memories
moments lived, things left undone
thoughts left inside
feelings buried deep
It wakes up instincts
It reminds us that everything we ever need is freely out there
but only few can see
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Monday, 25 February 2013
Have a nice week everyone
Classics are forever :)
Hardrive - Deep Inside
Classic House1993
Peace and Love
Find them inside
Bring them outside
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Friday, 22 February 2013
infinite, eternal, beautiful
just like our souls
changing! every single moment it is changing
we are changing, constantly
nothing's ever still
we are travelling
towards no one knows
but we'll all one day find out
it's a journey
a never ending one
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Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Massive Attack - Teardrop :: the other way
This is Jonathan Dagan. Known by his stage name, j.viewz, he produces, he remixes, he creates, he experiments.
His music: sweet, interesting, emotional, always leaving his personal clue.
Worth a listen: Muse Breaks, Come back down, Building a home, Salty Air, Pin It Now!
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Deeply in love with this man
Eternally in love with the song
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Live version
original version
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We are all one
The power of music, the power of creativity, the power of humanity...
This is David Garrett playing his version of Zorba's Dance, an old traditional and very popular greek song
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This is David Garrett playing his version of Zorba's Dance, an old traditional and very popular greek song
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Sunday, 3 February 2013
10 years of Darkroom Dubs
Darkroom Dubs, house of too many underground electronic music producers such as Silicon Soul, Nadja Lind, Terje Seather, Of Norway, celebrates 10 years of quality music :)
Found out more about this Label:
Resident Advisor
Tune in Dark Room Dubs Radio, their Dj mix series broadcasting on Ibiza Global, Proton, Pioneer Dj Radio.
Here is the first mix of the new season: Darkroom-dubs-radio-01
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Found out more about this Label:
Resident Advisor
Tune in Dark Room Dubs Radio, their Dj mix series broadcasting on Ibiza Global, Proton, Pioneer Dj Radio.
Here is the first mix of the new season: Darkroom-dubs-radio-01
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Friday, 25 January 2013
DJ Shadow debuting
back in 1996...
in dark rooms, abandoned warehouses, underground parties something serious was going on.. it is still on, here and alive. It is here to make us believe in music, believe in people who dream big, people who dare, people who can!
It was the time DJ Shadow started a journey, music started a journey too!
Here is his debut album, Entroducing...
Read more here:
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in dark rooms, abandoned warehouses, underground parties something serious was going on.. it is still on, here and alive. It is here to make us believe in music, believe in people who dream big, people who dare, people who can!
It was the time DJ Shadow started a journey, music started a journey too!
Here is his debut album, Entroducing...
Read more here:
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Tuesday, 1 January 2013
An End
Let's call it the end of an era.
Let's hope that the age of the stupid comes to an end and gives way to a new age, that of awareness, of consciousness.
Let's think, let's do, let's move on.
I want to see a world with more happiness and less materialism, more smiles and less hypocrisy, more humanity and less bureaucracy. I hope for a fairer distribution of wealth, greater creativity, more originality. I wish people love more, feel more, share more. I wish people follow their instincts instead of rules. I wish the minority ceases to have control over the majority. I need freedom instead of security. I want change! But most importantly I want myself to be part of the change for change will not happen at all if I just hope for it.
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Let's hope that the age of the stupid comes to an end and gives way to a new age, that of awareness, of consciousness.
Let's think, let's do, let's move on.
I want to see a world with more happiness and less materialism, more smiles and less hypocrisy, more humanity and less bureaucracy. I hope for a fairer distribution of wealth, greater creativity, more originality. I wish people love more, feel more, share more. I wish people follow their instincts instead of rules. I wish the minority ceases to have control over the majority. I need freedom instead of security. I want change! But most importantly I want myself to be part of the change for change will not happen at all if I just hope for it.
DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World
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